Where did the President’s Seal go?

First, I want to give a Hat Tip to Nika for letting me know about this video.  I know it’s Rachel Maddow, and we have to listen to her sarcastic dribble – especially the 3 – 2  – 1 countdown at the end of the story… but no mattter- the question is still there – where is the Presidential Seal.

Excuse me – I don’t care if you are the current President – the key word is “current”.  That seal is not YOURS personally – it is the seal of every President who sat in the office before you, and every one to come after your one term is over.  That seal is just as representative of the office you hold, as the American flag is representative of our country.

It is not your prerogative to decide when it will and will not  to be displayed.   If you don’t want it tattooed on your butt cheek, that’s your personal decision.  What you don’t get to do is have some political hack decide that it “sends the wrong message” when you show up at a political rally.    If you think it is “inappropriate” – then don’t show up to the rally!

Because when you do show up, you are representing the office.  And you are saying “the President is behind this candidate”.  There is no higher endorsement than the one you give when this happens.

Why am I angry – because once again, you are placing B-O above the office you hold.  Once again, your actions shame the office you hold.  Bow to a king.  Bow to an emperor.  Heck, you even bow to a mayor.  It is time to remember, when people say “Mr President”, they aren’t just talking to you personally – they are addressing the office you hold.  And it is the ideals of our Founding Fathers, and our Constitution  which set our country apart 200 plus years ago.  Those very ideals – that’s what the Presidential Seal stands for.

And Rachel – I’m not going to call it “communism”.  I’m going to call it what it is – “Shameful Arrogance!”
