Obama Claims to be “Agnostic” on Taxes

Ok… never mind he was standing there at the Springfield Missouri town hall meeting and said “Let me be clear – if you are a family making less than $250,000 a year… you will not see your taxes go up,”… now we have the Bloomberg Business Week quoting TOTUS as saying he is “agnostic” about raising taxes on those making less than $250,000.

What exactly does the Great Orator mean?

From Merriam-webster
Agnostic (noun) 1) a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; 2) a person unwilling to commit to an opinion about something.

Yeah… He’s agnostic all right.

The Ultimate Hand Note

Hand Notes for All Politicians

I know I’m a few days behind on this one (sorry-oh, been working on starting the blog), but if Gibbs or any other Dem wants to make fun of Palin’s hand notes, then maybe they should read this one.

And then see if they still want to laugh.


A Heart Felt Thank You

I definitely want to thank Professor Jacobson for being kind enough to give a little shout-out for this blog.  I’m pretty sure if you’ve found this site, it’s because of him.   I’ve been following his blog for quite some time now, and I believe you’ll agree with me when I say his blog should be high on the list of sites worth watching.

It is not going to be easy, but I am hoping a year from now to be able to look back and be just as proud, and be able to thank Professor Jacobson again.

“Reading Audacity of Hope” (or “Is this guy serious??”)

The other day I had just returned from a long over-seas flight and wanted to share something with a good friend of mine.   It seems someone at work was going to throw away B-O’s campaign book, and since I was already looking for something to read…

So I walk into my friend’s pizza shop and when I see his wife, I boom out “Hey S***A! I found this great book you have to read.”   Now she likes to read, and has shared a few books with me, so she probably was thinking I had something to share.  “This book has changed my life S***A!”

Oh, the look on her face when I turned the cover!  (Did I mention it was her and her husband that tuned me in to the Tea Party Movement in our home town?)

I told her not to worry – I hadn’t suffered any head injuries on the way home.  But I showed her how I had been scribbling notes on just about every page.  I don’t know how anyone can pick up the book and not find themselves saying “who is this guy think he’s fooling???”

which gave me the idea… Maybe I ought to write my thoughts down.  Which I think I’m going to do – so, if you are A) someone looking forward to his third book, b) a kool-aide drinking demo-bot, or c) a member of the New York Times, then it might be best if you just skip the rest of my blogs.

Remember, the book is 360 pages (of obfuscations, narcissism, and useless meanderings) long, so I’ll have plenty, plenty, and plenty to write about.

So, if you like moveon.org – do just that… move on…  🙂

Taking the Big Plunge!

Well, after thinking about setting up a blog… and telling myself I really wanted to do this… and then stepping back and thinking about it again, I’ve decided – let’s do it.

Let’s take the big plunge.  Sure, the Blogosphere has plenty of voices, and mine will probably be drowned out – I’m not worrying.   I already know Obama is not going to loose any sleep when Michelle whispers in his ear,  “The A-Files is looking for the truth”…

Nor do I expect anyone to look back and add February 12th to the list of other dates in which history was changed – July 4th 1776 or Easter Morning 2,000 years ago.

What I do expect is this – to never run out of material comment on, especially with Obama, Pelosi, or any other Democrat keep moving along as if no one really cares what they do.

What I do expect – is over time, meet some folks who either agree with me, or disagree with me.   I also expect some comments may be less than kind, but that’s alright because I truly believe it’s my right to have an opinion, and to also be able to express it.

So take warning “Socialism-is-the-cure-for-problems-Americans-are-too-stupid-to-realize” Liberals…. your agenda has been examined and found empty – November 2010 and 2012 will be hear sooner than you realize.   And the more like-minded folks such as myself work to getting their neighbors involved…. the bigger the landslide which buries your political party.

Have a nice day!