When Your Rights Are Eroded Little By Little

The most common phrase a Nanny-State supporter will say is “for the Greater Good”.  And they tinker a bit here and bit there, and before long – one of the residual effects is people tend to loose sight of the bigger picture.

Like, when they take away a little bit of privacy here, and then add a little to the way they are allowed to intrude, and before long, someone who has the power, steps WAYYYY over board.

Take the case in Philadelphia, where a student is suing his school.  Why?  Because the school issued laptops, which came with webcams.   Any problem yet?  Well… add to it these webcams could be activated by the principle, and guess what?  (Do I really have to spell this one out?)

Seems one of the assistant principles tripped up and gave away the secret when she told the student she knew what he was doing while he was at home.

Sure – the school is now backpedaling, saying they only activated the camera so they could find where the stolen laptops were.   As if this is supposed to wave away the fact that they basically stepped into someone’s house without ever even telling the parents they were doing so.

Oh, there’s a lot to be upset on this.  And it’s not just this particular case.  It’s the fact that we are seeing more and more how people in authority have no clue how abusive they are, as long as they feel they can justify further eroding yours and my rights.


Great Word Combination!

Ever wonder what happens when just one tiny little keystroke, like “space” is missing when you type The IRS?

